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The official prequel to the blockbuster videogame Resistance 3

America. July 1953.

In this official prequel to Resistance 3, prospects are not looking up for planet Earth or Lieutenant Joseph Capelli. With the Chimera invasion in full swing, America has crumbled under the fierce alien juggernaut, its defenses overrun, millions dead, the rest left to fend for themselves. Many try to avoid the alien virus that turns humans into Chimeran killing machines.

Capelli may be a pariah to the army for killing hero Nathan Hale, but he is still a patriot fighting to save the country and its citizens. However, some soldiers are ready to shoot him on sight—not to mention that Hale’s beautiful sister has every reason in the world to want him stone dead. But Capelli’s used to being in dangerous situations and taking crazy risks. And the next move he intends to make is pure suicide.

Great Britain. July 1951.

Three years ago, Russia went dark. Nothing got in. Nothing got out. The world assumed it was political strife. But it was the Chimera: voracious extraterrestrial invaders. And in December 1949, they burst across the Russian border and poured into Europe. The luckiest humans died. The less fortunate succumbed to an alien virus–and changed.

Within a year, most of Europe had fallen. Only Great Britain, after struggling desperately, had kept the conquerors at bay. But as the Chimera were repelled, they were evolving. Building. Planning.

America. November 1952.

The Chimera have crossed the Atlantic. Their lightning strikes on American borders are devastating. Cities are lost. Small towns overrun. Citizens transformed into monstrosities. Enter Lieutenant Nathan Hale, U.S. Ranger. A veteran of the Chimeran conflict, he is uniquely immune to the alien virus. And when regular troops can’t stem the Chimeran onslaught, Hale and his special-operations team meet the menace head-on.

But while they battle the relentless Chimera, deadly power games rage in the White House. And when Hale discovers a far-reaching conspiracy, one with deadly consequences for the human race, his allegiance to country and mankind is stretched to the breaking point.

Сначала умолкла, наглухо замкнулась Россия. Мир решил, что причина кроется в борьбе политических сил. Но причиной были химеры.

А потом армии свирепых пришельцев хлынули на запад. Люди частью погибли — и таких можно смело назвать счастливцами, — частью же заразились инопланетным вирусом. И стали меняться.

За год пала почти вся Европа. Только британцам удалось остановить захватчиков ценой огромных потерь. Но пока длилось затишье, химеры не сидели сложа руки. Они эволюционировали. Строили. Планировали.

И когда монстры накопили сил, они пересекли Атлантику, чтобы нанести молниеносные опустошительные удары по побережью. Враг разрушал города и истреблял население, а пленных превращал в чудовищ, которыми пополнял свои ряды.

Лейтенант Натан Хейл оказался одним из немногих обладателей иммунитета к химерианской заразе. И там, где не справлялись регулярные войска, вступал в дело Хейл с горсткой отборных бойцов…

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