
Юридический триллер 131 книга

Пол Янис води в надпреварата за кмет на окръг Киндъл. В същото време неговият близнак – Кас, излиза от затвора. Той е излежал 25-годишна присъда за убийството на приятелката си Дита Кронон. Но нейният брат – Хал, смята, че и Пол е бил замесен в престъплението. Използвайки средствата и влиянието си, Хал организира шумна публична кампания, за да го разобличи. Той наема детективи, които отново да разследват случая. Убийството на Дита се оказва само върхът на айсберга. На фона на жестока предизборна кампания и засилен медиен интерес, детективите разкриват поредица от измами, предателства и смразяващи тайни.

Данило Силва е проследен, упоен и отвлечен от група наемници. Целта им е да докажат че всъщност Данило е Патрик Ланиган, който е присвоил огромна сума пари и е инсценирал смъртта си. Завръщането на Патрик в САЩ повдига много въпроси, като за едни това е дългоочаквано събитие, но за други би било по-добре той наистина де е мъртъв. Една история с меко казано неочакван край…

Жанр: Проза

Те са в центъра на правен скандал за милиони долари. Дванадесет съдебни заседатели са разследвани, манипулирани и тормозени от високоплатени адвокати и консултанти. Тези съдебни заседатели трябва да вземат решение по най-горещото гражданско дело на века — срещу гигантски тютюнев концерн…

Само шепа хора знаят от кого зависи присъдата…

Джон Гришам и този път представя роман, който се чете на един дъх! Сюжетът на „Присъдата“ не следва неоспорима логика. Историята е завладяваща и като всички останали книги на Гришам държи в напрежение читателя до последната страница!

Чикаго Трибюн
Аайбръри Джърнъл
Лари Кинг, „Ю Ес Ей Тудей“
Сан Франциско Кроникъл
Чикаго Трибюн



В середине августа город Сан-Антонио облетели жуткие новости: изнасилованы трое маленьких детей. Для окружного прокурора Марка Блэквелла поимка преступника имеет первостепенное значение: она гарантирует ему победу на выборах.

Девять лет назад тихий южный городок был потрясен сенсационным процессом! Наследник одной из могущественнейших семей штата получил пожизненный срок за жестокое убийство молодой красивой вдовы… Все помнят, как он угрожал присяжным местью во время суда. И теперь, девять лет спустя, он досрочно освобожден — и вернулся, чтобы выполнить обещанное!

Хорошему адвокату всегда есть что скрывать — и всегда приходится опасаться, что тайное станет явным.

Но опасения Робби Фивора полностью оправдались.

И теперь, чтобы спастись от неминуемого скандала, он вынужден стать важнейшим участником секретной операции ФБР по искоренению коррупции в «верхушке» судебной системы США.

Однако стоит ли полагаться на защиту ФБР, если предашь могущественных людей, не привыкших прощать?…

Тайное общество, объединяющее самых влиятельных политиков США...

Общество, члены которого встречаются в роскошном борделе, куда никогда не войдет "простой смертный"...

Общество, в которое можно вступить, лишь совершив преступление...

Бред богатого сутенера, любой ценой старающегося избежать огромного тюремного срока за убийство сенатора?

Поначалу так считает даже его адвокат, звезда криминального права Аманда Джеффи. Однако чем дальше, тем яснее становится – в бредовых фантазиях клиента есть по крайней мере доля истины. И этого достаточно, чтобы участие в процессе стало для Аманды смертельно опасным...

Вызволить осужденного из камеры смертников, доказав его невиновность...

Именно это предстоит сделать адвокату Артуру Рейвену — он назначен защитником Ромми Гэндолфа, приговоренного к казни за тройное убийство.

Такие дела приносят адвокатам славу.

Шанс добиться оправдания действительно есть: настоящий убийца неожиданно признался в содеянном!

Однако слишком многие не хотят, чтобы приговор был пересмотрен: нечистая на руку судья, амбициозный детектив, проводивший расследование, прокурор, считающая дело Гэндолфа лишь ступенькой карьеры. Слишком многое, оказывается, связывает тех, кто следит за соблюдением законов, и тех, кто их нарушает.

И потому дело, за которое берется Артур Рейвен, становится для него не только чрезвычайно сложным, но и очень опасным…

A Mark lo asesinaron alrededor de las doce de la noche, mientras trabajaba en un acuerdo, un contrato para la liquidación del bufete que había fundado con Bennie Rosato, horas después de anunciar a su socia y ex amante su determinación de constituir su propia empresa. A medianoche Bennie remaba sola en la oscuridad, en la quietud del río, tratando de recobrar la calma, ajena a cuanto sucedía en el despacho y a la sórdida trampa que le habían tendido.

«Una novela trepidante que dejará sin aliento al lector más valiente.»

Amazon.com Review

Philadelphia lawyer turned novelist (what a concept!) Scottoline has already won a best original paperback Edgar for Final Appeal. Now she might just nail down a hardcover one for her latest book – a lovely combination of high energy, imagination and nasty good humor mostly directed against lawyers. Her central character this time out is a definite keeper: Benedetta Rosato, "Bennie" to everyone but her mother, a towering blonde who rows to keep her body in shape and duels with the police on a daily basis to keep her legal talents sharp. Most of Bennie's clients have a gripe against the cops, so Philadelphia's finest are less than sympathetic to her cause when she becomes the chief suspect in the murder of her ex-lover and soon to be ex-law partner. Hiding out in a truly original way, Bennie uses (and abuses) a big law firm to help find the real killers; you'll find yourself laughing and gasping all the way.

From Publishers Weekly

The heroine of Scottoline's rambunctious fourth legal thriller (after Running from the Law) may change the way readers think about lawyers. Benedetta ("Bennie") Rosato, who narrates, is a ravishing six-foot blonde, one of two partners in a thriving law firm. In quick order, the foundations of her world come crashing down. Her partner and ex-lover, Mark, turns up murdered shortly after he tells Bennie that he is planning to dissolve the partnership. It's not surprising that she then becomes the cops' prime suspect. When the murder weapon is found in her apartment, Bennie goes underground. Then a drug company CEO is killed, and she is falsely accused of that death, too. A hilarious caper ensues as Bennie disguises herself as, variously, a hooker, a bag lady and a lawyer "from the New York office" of a staid old white-shoe firm. In the midst of all her woes, she must also deal with a new boyfriend and a mother who's facing electroshock therapy. The Perry Mason-like ending is a bit strained but doesn't spoil the fun. Bennie, a delightful heroine, deserves an encore; and, again, Scottoline merits a big round of applause. $200,000 combined ad/promo for Legal Tender and the simultaneous HarperPaperbacks edition of Running from the Law; simultaneous HarperAudio; author tour; U.K. and translation rights: Columbia Literary Agency; dramatic rights: Linda Hayes.

“Lisa Scottoline has done the impossible: creating a first novel that is an irresistible page-turner and is also teeming with unforgettable characters.” – Eric Lustbader

“Scottoline has made a stunning literary debut with this page-turner.” – Philadelphia Bar Reporter

“Engaging.” – Publishers Weekly

“Grabs you with its intelligence, wit, and energy and doesn’t let go.” – Susan Isaacs

“One of the books you can’t stop reading. Run, don’t walk, to your nearest bookstore.” – Mystery News

“A gripping novel embracing a wide range of characters and human emotions. Humor is one of the novel’s strongest elements…A pleasant surprise as the heroine is confronted with a situation of primal terror.” – The Philadelphia Daily News

“The narrative and characters sparkle.” – Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine


Amazon.com Review

An Edgar Award nominee (for her first legal thriller, Everywhere That Mary Went), Lisa Scottoline actually won the Edgar for her follow-up, Final Appeal. With five legal thrillers behind her, Scottoline-a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School-has joined the league of lawyers-turned-literaries.

Her voice in Final Appeal is crisp and wry; of the law clerks in her office, the narrator declares that she's got "pantyhose with more mileage… and better judgment."

Lawyer and single mom Grace Rossi has taken a part-time job in a federal appeals court. Her lover and boss, the chief judge, is found dead, and Rossi plays the sleuth. As her previous bestsellers, Scottoline can create feisty female characters who struggle with a variety of issues, producing a fast-paced, well-structured read.

From Publishers Weekly

This tale of corporate intrigue centers on Mary DiNunzio, a lawyer on the partner track at one of Philadelphia's top law firms, and her secret admirer/stalker. Mary, stressed by nature of her occupation, first shrugs off silent phone calls to her home and office that are eerily in sync with her comings and goings. Soon, however, when she starts getting personal notes, too, she starts to suspect her co-workers. When Brent Polk, her good friend and secretary, is killed by a car that's been following Mary around, she goads police detective Lombardo to check for similarities between his death and that of her husband a year earlier. Soon follows a chain of strange discoveries: after sleeping with friend and associate Ned Waters, she finds anti-depressants in his medicine chest; Ned's wife-beating father manages a rival law firm; a partner has been tampering with her files. An increasingly paranoid Mary cuts off relations with Ned, whom she suspects of being her stalker. But she doesn't act on her suspicions until it's nearly too late and she must fight for her life. Lawyer Scottoline's first novel is an engaging, quick read, sprinkled with corny humor and melodrama in just the right proportions.

Amazon.com Review

When confronted with the most challenging and the most personal case of her legal career, Bennie Rosato-an expert on police corruption-questions everything she has learned as a criminal attorney, and everyone she considers to be family. During a visit behind the bars of Philadelphia 's Central Corrections facility, Bennie is shocked to discover that an inmate bears a striking physical resemblance to herself. The prisoner, Alice Connolly, stands accused of murdering her cop boyfriend Anthony Della Porta, and the case reeks of a police conspiracy. Connolly convinces Bennie to defend her in court. Bennie feels confused, intrigued, and even somewhat elated by this clone of herself, and dives head first into a bubbling cauldron of corruption, drugs, murder, and assault-mixed in with a thought-provoking subplot that questions the intricacies of legal ethics.

Mistaken Identity is Lisa Scottoline's sixth and tastiest dish yet. The book is gripping and smart, and it brings into bloom the highly likable character of Bennie Rosato, who made her debut appearance in Legal Tender. Bennie has her vulnerable moments-we witness this when, in some emotional scenes, she doubts the authenticity of her twin. Still, Ms. Rosato is no shrinking violet, especially when it comes to exposing the questionable goings-on of Philadelphia 's Eleventh Precinct.

Scottoline keeps us in a bubble of suspense-is Connolly really Bennie's twin? Did she murder Della Porta? If not, who did and why? The author neatly ties all our unanswered questions together into a perfectly formed bow, and keeps us frantically turning pages until the very end.

From Publishers Weekly

Double jeopardy is more than just a legal term in this taut and smart courtroom drama by Edgar Award winner Scottoline. Bennie Rosato, the irrepressible head of an all-female Philadelphia law firm, moves to center stage after playing a supporting role in the author's previous novel, Rough Justice. Bennie's client is tough, manipulative Alice Connolly, charged with murdering her police detective boyfriend, who may or may not have been a drug dealer. Complicating matters is Alice 's claim to be Bennie's identical twin sister and to have been visited by their long-lost father. Despite her wrenching emotional reaction to this revelation and her mother's deteriorating health, Bennie puts her personal and professional life on the line, immersing herself in the case. She enlists the aid of her associates, Mary DiNunzio and Judy Carrier, as well as Lou Jacobs, a cantankerous retired cop she hires as an investigator. They discover that a web of corruption may have enveloped the prosecuting attorney and judge who are now trying Alice 's case. Scottoline effectively alternates her settings between prison, law office, courtroom and the streets. Readers familiar with her previous work will enjoy the continuing evolution of the characters' relationships. Judy is still the bolder of the two associates, her experiences highlighted this time by an amusing venture into the seamy world of pro boxing. But Mary, until now a timid and reluctant lawyer ("Maybe I could get a job eating"), emerges from her shell. Scottoline falters occasionally by resorting to ethnic stereotypes, particularly in her dialogue, but generally succeeds in creating a brisk, multilayered thriller that plunges Rosato Associates into a maelstrom of legal, ethical and familial conundrums, culminating in an intricate, dramatic and intense courtroom finale. Agent, Molly Friedrich. Major ad/promo; author tour. (Mar.) FYI: Mistaken Identity is one of the six books excerpted in Diet Coke's marketing campaign.

From Publishers Weekly

Miami lawyer Jack Swyteck is in for one hell of a roller coaster ride in this lapel-grabbing thriller, Grippando's ninth (Last to Die; etc.). Lindsey Hart, about to be charged with the murder of her husband, Marine Capt. Oscar Pintado, comes to Jack because she believes he is her last, best chance-and also the biological father of her adopted son. Stunned, Jack thinks he recognizes the picture of the 10-year-old she shows him ("he knew those dark eyes, that Roman nose"), but he still isn't sure whether he should take the case. What if he doesn't and she's innocent? She could be convicted. But if she's guilty-and he takes the case and wins it-he doesn't want to see the child raised by a murderer. Thanks to Grippando's devious mind, that's just the beginning. Plot twists, doled out with perfect timing, include the story of the murder victim, who's the son of a rich and powerful anti-Castro activist; the prosecutor's connection to Swyteck's family; and the testimony of the defense's prime witness, who is a private in Castro's army-the murder took place on the U.S. military base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. It's manipulative Lindsey, however, who proves to be the book's most unpredictable element. This character-driven, intricately plotted thriller will keep readers guessing up to the end.

From Publishers Weekly

Scottoline's previous thrillers (Dead Ringer; Courting Trouble; etc.) have featured the women of the all-female Philadelphia law firm Rosato and Associates, and have concerned the usual elements of murder, stalking, bribery and corruption. This novel by the former trial lawyer and Edgar Award winner, while embracing the requisite ingredients, is especially engaging because of its personal angle: growing out of Scottoline's discovery of her own grandparents' alien registration cards, the book involves the case of an Italian-American who was interned during WWII. Amadeo Brandolini emigrated from Italy to Philadelphia, where he started a family and worked as a fisherman. When the war broke out, the FBI arrested and imprisoned him (along with 10,000 other Italian-Americans). He lost everything and wound up committing suicide in the camp. Rosato and Associates' young star, Mary DiNunzio, steps up to represent Brandolini's estate as it sues for reparations. Mary "grew up in South Philly, where she'd learned to pop her gum, wear high heels, and work overtime" and silently prays to saints when she can't find things. This case, a pro bono one, means a lot to her; the local small business owners and family friends she grew up with want retribution for Brandolini as much as she does. Mary puts all of her energy into the job, and when clues suggest Brandolini's death may have been a homicide, she becomes even more enthralled. As Mary learns more, the enemy camp (another Italian-American family, the Saracones) turns its murderous eye on her. Scottoline skillfully weaves a complicated, gripping and fast-paced tale, at turns comical, nerve-wracking and enlightening.

After six exciting thrillers in seven years, bestselling author James Grippando is at last bringing back the main character from his blockbuster debut novel, The Pardon. Miami lawyer Jack Swyteck is in trouble. With more than a decade of experience in the criminal courts, Jack doesn't handle many civil cases. But this one is different. His exgirlfriend is being sued because she thought she was going to die. When Jessie Merrill was diagnosed with a deadly disease, she worked a deal with an insurance company to get cash fast. In exchange, a group of wealthy investors were supposed to collect on the policy at her death. But Jessie was misdiagnosed, and the investors want their money back. Now. At the trial, Jack pulls off a brilliant victory and Jessie gets to keep the USD1.5 million from the investors. Two days later, her body turns up in Jack's bathtub. As the evidence mounts against him, Jack finds himself on a collision course with dark secrets from the past and a possible killer who is beyond suspicion.