
Иноуэ Ясуси скачать все книги 10 книг

Жанр: Проза

В книгу вошли новеллы известных японских писателей разных поколений, созданные после 1945 года: Фумико Хаяси, Сётаро Ясуоки, Осаму Дадзая, Кэндзабуро Оэ, Такэси Кайко, Сэя Куботы, Сюмона Миура, Масудзи Ибусэ и других. Здесь представлены произведения, наиболее полно отражающие жизнь Японии и ее народа за последние тридцать лет. Большая часть новелл издается в русском переводе впервые.

Жанр: Проза

More than a thousand years ago, an extraordinary trove of early Buddhist sutras and other scriptures was secreted away in caves near the Silk Road city of Tun-huang. But who hid this magnificent treasure and why? In , the great modern Japanese novelist Yasushi Inoue tells the story of Chao Hsing-te, a young Chinese man whose accidental failure to take the all-important exam that will qualify him as a high government official leads to a chance encounter that draws him farther and farther into the wild and contested lands west of the Chinese Empire. Here he finds love, distinguishes himself in battle, and ultimately devotes himself to the strange task of depositing the scrolls in the caves where, many centuries later, they will be rediscovered. A book of magically vivid scenes, fierce passions, and astonishing adventures,  is also a profound and stirring meditation on the mystery of history and the hidden presence of the past.

Жанр: Проза

Originally published in Japanese in 1959, this classic novel by Yasushi Inoue takes place during the Japanese Warring Era (1467–1573)-a time when Japan was ruled by three young powerful warlords: Takeda Shingen, Iwagawa Yoshimoto, and Hojo Ujiyasu. The story focuses on Takeda Shingen and his one-eyed, crippled strategist, Yamamoto Kansuke. The brilliant strategies of Kansuke, inspired by his passion for war and his admiration for his enemies' war tactics, are beautifully expressed throughout this book.

Жанр: Проза

Originally published in The Atlantic Monthly, in 1958, The Izu Dancer, a story about a young man's travels through the Izu Peninsula, introduced Kawabata's prodigious talent to the West. Since its first printing, Kawabata, winner of the 1968 Nobel Prize, has been recognized as one of Japan's most distinguished writers. Also included in this collection are three stories by the prolific author Yasushi Inoue, the recipient of every major prize in Japanese literature: "The Counterfeiter", "Obasute", and "The Full Moon". Inoue's stories, each of which are at least partially autobiographical, all reveal his great compassion for his fellow human being.

Жанр: Проза

These three short stories, The Counterfeiter, Obasute, and The Full Moon, explore the roles of loneliness, compassion, beauty, and forgiveness in day-to-day life in Japan, all within the context of the Buddhist-influenced notion of inescapable predestination.

Жанр: Проза

First English translation of an amazing debut novella by a major and incredibly prolific Japanese author.


BullfightThe Hunting GunThe Counterfeiter

Contains a previously unpublished preface by Inoue himself.

Жанр: Проза

Three perfectly executed stories from one of Japan's most beloved writers showcase the exquisitely tuned talent of Yasushi Inoue. The writer describes each character and landscape with a lucid, deft tenderness. In the title story, the narrator, who is supposed to be writing a biography of a famous artist, becomes obsessed instead with the wasted life of the man who forged his paintings. In his typically understated way, Inoue probes into the difference between fact and fiction, and how the 'fake' can sometimes become more important than the original.

Жанр: Проза

A tragedy in three letters: the masterpiece of one of Japan's greatest writers.

A lover, her daughter and the abandoned wife: three letters by three women tell the story of a love affair's tragic consequences. First Shoko, who finds out about the infidelity through reading her mother's diary; then Midori, the wife who has always known but never told; and finally the beautiful Saiko, the woman who has betrayed her best friend.Yasushi Inoue's poised, unsentimental novella is a powerful tale with universal resonance. Written from three different points of view, the story explores the impact of forbidden passion. Love, death, truth and loneliness are all intertwined in this masterpiece from one of Japan's greatest writers.

Жанр: Проза

Девять рассказов японских писателей послевоенного периода, посвящённые самым разнообразным темам, объединены общим стремлением их авторов — понять, в чем смысл человеческой жизни.

Жанр: Проза

В романе «Пещеры тысячи будд» знаменитый японский писатель Ясуси Иноуэ (1907–1991) пытается раскрыть тайну происхождения буддийских свитков, много столетий назад захороненных в гротах у подножия Минша близ города Дуньхуан на западе Китая и обнаруженных археологами лишь в начале XX века.

Чжао Синдэ, верноподданный империи Сун, волей случая спас от смерти молодую тангутку и получил от нее в подарок грамотку с незнакомыми символами. Так просвещенный ханец впервые увидел письменность Западного Ся – тангутского государства, враждовавшего с Поднебесной, – и желание прочесть таинственные знаки бросило его в водоворот войн и политических страстей, бушевавших в Центральной Азии XI века.

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