
Рэнкин Роберт скачать все книги 20 книг

Какими были люди, которые внесли свой вклад в уродование Истории Человечества? Люди хорошие и плохие, знаменитые и не очень. И особенно каким был один из них, чьи уникальные способности, замечательные достижения и эксцентричное поведение стали теперь легендой? Человек, что принес радость миллионам, дав им непревзойденную нюхательную смесь. Его знали под многими прозвищами. Чемпион по Чихательной Части. Гроссмейстер Гремучей Гнуси. Супермен Смеси, Несущей Негу Народу. И так далее, и тому подобное, и все такое. Почти всем он известен просто как «Табачный Титан». Звали его Тот Самый Давстон. «Стиль Роберта Рэнкина – это неповторимая смесь бородатых анекдотов, городских мифов, каламбуров, изумительно безумных идей и вряд ли достоверных историй из собственной жизни» – Independent.

Жанр: Юмор

Великолепно… Опияняваща смес от Флан О’Брайън, Дъглас Адамс, Том Шарп И Кен Кембъл, но със собствен облик и стил.

Уникална и силна като „Властелина на пръстените“.

Time Out

Удивително забавно четиво… Чете се с удоволствие както най-увлекателните книги на Флан О’Брайън.

City Limits

<@attributes>p-16„Навън слънцето пече. Автобусите бръмчат кът булевард «Ийлинг» и от мен се очаква да се боря със силите на мрака. Всичко това изглежда малко несправедливо…“

Може да се каже, че всичко започна с червеноокия скитник със слузести пръсти, който даде на бармана Невил да разбере, че нещо не е наред. Или когато съпругата на Арчрой размени верния му автомобил „Морис Майнър“ за пет магически бобени зърна, докато той беше на работа в каучуковата фабрика.

От друга страна, може да се каже, че всичко е започнало далеч по-рано. Например — преди около 450 години, когато по света още са властвали представители на фамилията на Борджиите.

Пули и Омали, звездите на безделието в Брентфорд и на кръчмата „Летящия лебед“, не искат да имат нищо общо с всичко това, особено ако могат да пият по една бира. Папа Александър VI, последният от Борджиите, обаче има други идеи, които включват и тях, и още много непредвидими събития.

ON THE VERY LAST DAY EVER, EVERYTHING WILL HAPPEN The symptoms have been studied, the diagnosis is confirmed, the prognosis is bleak. The universe will cease to exist in just twelve hours – just twelve hours, during which time all of the loose ends must be tied up, all of the Big Questions answered and all of the Ultimate Truths revealed. It promises to be a somewhat hectic twelve hours. During which… a Brentford shopkeeper will complete a sitting room for God. A Chiswick woman will uncover the Metaphenomena of the Multiverse. An aging Supervillain will put the finishing touches to his plans for trans-dimensional domination. Serious trouble will break out at the New Messiah's Convention in Acton. And a Far-Fetched Fiction author will receive Divine Enlightenment. In TICK TO0CK KILL THE CLOCK, the world's leading exponent of Far-Fetched Fiction pulls out all the literary stops to produce a truly epic work of imagination: twelve interlocking tales, one for each hour left on the clock. Will the universe end with a bang or a whimper – or something else entirely, possibly involving a time-travelling Elvis Presley with a sprout in his head?

When the world's all wrong and it needs setting right, who're you gonna call? Hugo Rune, of course: a man who offers the world his genius, and asks only, in return, that the world cover his expenses!

Жанр: Юмор

This is the anarchic comedy of one man who realizes his secret ambition to get into the music industry - managing a band called Gandhi's Hairdryer, but he's soon to find out something very odd about the band - something other-worldly.

Жанр: Юмор

Magic, time travel and football, not exactly your everyday combination - but the fate of mankind hangs upon the result. And everything.

Жанр: Юмор

The fourth part of the "Brentford Trilogy". Amazing, but true, Brentford Town Council has agreed to host the next Olympic Games. However, something sinister is afoot in Brentford, and it is up to the regulars of The Flying Swan to save the world as we know it.

Жанр: Юмор

The time is now, the place is just around the corner from reality and Magic is the new Rock 'n' Roll: 21st century high-tech designer magic. It's finely tuned, personalised and very exclusive. It will cost you an arm and a leg and possibly even your soul, but it's real and it works. Robert Rankin is Britain's second most popular writer of humorous fantasy after Terry Pratchett; BIG MAGIC is the first in a trilogy written in his unique and very funny style.

Жанр: Юмор

God's other son, Colin, who was edited out of the Bible when Jesus got artistic control, is a bit pissed off. Well wouldn't you be, with your brother stealing the lime-light like that? But now God's been murdered, and there's no way Colin's gonna let the meek inherit the Earth. He's in charge now, and there's gonna be some changes around here…

Жанр: Юмор

Henry Ford wasn't wrong when he said that, "history is bunk". He could still remember the days when the wireless transmission of energy had powered motorcars, mighty airships and space cruisers. And when Britannia ruled not only the waves, but all of the Earth and much of the cosmos besides. Have you ever wondered how Victorians such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells managed to dream up all that fantastic futuristic fiction? Did it ever occur to you that it might just have been based upon fact? That War Of The Worlds was a true account of real events? That Captain Nemo's Nautilus even now lies rusting at the bottom of the North Sea? That there really was an invisible man? No? Then what about the other stuff?

Жанр: Юмор

Somewhere over the rainbow and just off the Yellow Brick Road stands Toy City, formerly known as Toy Town. And things are not going well for the citys inhabitants. There have been outbreaks of STC - Spontaneous Toy Combustion - and there are strange signs and portents in the Heavens. Preachers of Toy Citys many religions are predicting that the End Times are approaching and that a Toy City Apocalypse will soon come to pass. But can this possibly be true, or is there a simple explanation - an alien invasion, for instance. With the body count rising and the forces of law and order baffled, it is the time for a hero to step forward and attempt to save the day. Well, two heroes actually, Eddie Bear, Toy City Private Eye and his loyal sidekick, Jack: our courageous twosome are about to face their biggest challenge yet, to save not only toykind, but the world of mankind too. Which should keep them out of the pub for a while.

Жанр: Юмор

Young hero or anti-hero Gary Cheese grows up in a warped 1950s Brentford with two main interests: death, and the Lazlo Woodbine private-eye novels (see Waiting for Godalming) by PP Penrose. When this revered author dies, it's only logical that Gary and his bestest friend Dave should plan to crash the wake and reanimate him with voodoo.

Жанр: Юмор

With all the hassle smokers get nowadays, it's hardly worth it. It's time to move on to something else. Something which doesn't bother anybody else.Yes, snuff is about to make its biggest ever comeback. And the guy who came up with that one is going to be a very wealthy individual.

Жанр: Юмор

Robert wants to be a star in the movies. Using his computer he has invented a system that could put the old stars back on the screen, alongside him. He has the script and the money, but Hollywood isn't keen. Could the perfect partnership lie with Ernest Fudgepacker of Fudgepacker's Emporium?

Жанр: Юмор

A sequel to "The Antipope", this is the second novel in "The Brentford Trilogy". All over Brentford electrical appliances were beginning to fail, could it be that it had been chosen as the first base in an alien onslaught on planet Earth?

Жанр: Юмор

This story uncovers suburbia's darkest secrets – mostly in The Flying Swan, a cosmic Rovers Return where Neville the barman and Archroy, owner of five magic beans, do battle with beasts of the occult and in particular the rather unpleasant Pope Alexander VI, the last of the Borgias.

Жанр: Юмор

The third book in "The Brentford Trilogy", following on from "The Antipope" and "The Brentford Triangle". Once again it features the further adventures of Jim Pooley, John Omally, and all the regulars at the Flying Swan.

Жанр: Юмор

There is nothing more powerful than a bad idea whose time has come. And there can be few ideas less bad or more potentially apocalyptic than that hatched by genetic scientist Dr Stephen Malone. Using DNA strands extracted from the dried blood on the Turin Shroud, Dr Malone is cloning Jesus.

Жанр: Проза

They wrote it off as a scare story. The Millennium Bug was the non-event of the 20th century. But they were wrong, because the bug was real. It's a computer virus and it's about to do a deadly species cross-over, from machine to mankind.

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