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В это дело Ниро Вульф и Арчи Гудвин были втянуты против своей воли, только потому, что подозреваемым номер один оказался Орри Кэтер, один из помощников Вульфа во многих делах. Кэтер красив, имеет успех у женщин. Но вот очередной его роман вылился в сплошные неприятности. Изабель Керр вела весьма легкий образ жизни, ее счета оплачивал неизвестный богатей, а для души Изабель крутила романы и на стороне. И вот так случилось, что она влюбилась в Орри по уши, а Орри хотел ее бросить и жениться на другой женщине. В итоге Изабель Керр находят мертвой. Ниро Вульфу надо решить, виновен Орри Кэтер или нет.
Мистер Луэнт обеспокоен своим содержанием. Он не способен сам заработать себе на жизнь, потому живет на те деньги, что выделяли ему родственники. Отец мистера Луэнта не оставил по завещанию своему сыну ничего, справедливо полагая, что тот быстро все промотает. Но и сестра мистера Луэнта тоже скончалась, и тоже не оставила ему ничего. Мистер Луэнт теперь целиком и полностью зависит от мужа своей покойной сестры. А вокруг этого мужа – три незамужние женщины. Мистер Луэнт уверен, что одна из трех непременно женит вдовца на себе, и хочет, чтобы Ниро Вульф доподлинно выяснил: кто же она? Арчи Гудвин появляется в доме мистера Луэнта под вымышленным предлогом, чтобы познакомиться с обитателями и дать ответ на вопрос мистера Луэнта.
Глава семейства скоропостижно скончался. Однако напоследок успел преподнести неприятный сюрприз: весьма странное завещание. Семейство нанимает Ниро Вульфа восстановить справедливость.
Ниро Вульф и Арчи Гудвин служат на благо государства. Оба консультируют военную разведку. На этот раз проблема более чем серьезна: кто-то занялся промышленным шпионажем под прикрытием военных заказов.

When Colonel Phillips begins his final game of golf, his greatest problem in life is that he has begun to slice the ball. Playing with his lawyer and nephews, Phillips fights his way back into the game and is on the verge of victory when he keels over. He clutches his chest, mumbles a few words, and is dead in minutes. The doctor has no doubt: The colonel was poisoned. Finding the culprit falls to the president of the golf club, amateur detective Canby Rankin, who will do whatever it takes to find the killer on the links. Written nearly a century ago, “The Last Drive” is now available for the first time in book form. Clever, charming, and absolutely baffling, it is the tale that inspired the first Nero Wolfe novel, Fer-de-Lance, and along with the other stories in this volume represents the early efforts of a modern genius.

THREE RECENTLY DISCOVERED NERO WOLFE CLASSICS Now, with the aid of the Stout estate and Stout’s official biographer, John McAleer, Bantam Books is proud to publish for the first time in book form this newly discovered collection of three Nero Wolfe novellas. ASSAULT ON A BROWNSTONE, the never-before-published version of a novella featuring Wolfe in his most shocking confrontation with the law when his Thirty-fifth Street brownstone is invaded by Treasury officials. FRAME-UP FOR MURDER, concerning a famous fashion designer and a neatly stitched plot that weaves a deadly pattern of death. And BITTER END, a suspenseful story containing one of the nastiest incidents ever to occur at Wolfe’s dinner table.

В этом сборнике читатель познакомится с тремя романами американских авторов: «Плоть как кинжал» (Ричард С. Праттер), «Звонок в дверь» (Рекс Стаут), «Последний взгляд» (Росс Макдональд)

A new Nero Wolfe mystery at last — after a gap of four years — and it will be a delight to all Stout fans. The story is set in the summer of 1969, during that memorable period when the Mets were battling for the pennant and bomb scares abounded in Fun City. The mystery involves the explosion of a bomb in the office of a potential candidate for the presidency of a large corporation; the bomb kills another man, however, and no one can figure out whether the actual victim was the intended victim or not, and of course no one knows who set the bomb in the first place. The unraveling of the mystery, during which Archie encounters his first Women’s Liberationist, is full of suspense, humor, orchids, etymology, and good food in the best Stout tradition.

She was twenty-two years old, a Smith graduate, charming, intelligent, appealing. When she buttonholed Archie Goodwin, she had a very simple request. She hadn’t the faintest idea who her father was, had never seen him or heard of him, and wanted In learn who and where he was. She also, it turned out, had something in excess of a quarter of a million dollars mysteriously received from that father, but she didn’t really consider that part of the mystery at all. Archie, of course, took the problem to Nero and Nero took the problem on after he discovered that the girl’s mother had apparently been murdered and that the possible antecedents of the girl stretched back toward certain men of great power and influence, and into realms as diverse as international banking, national television, and public relations. To solve it, Nero and Archie have to be at the top of their form, and they are. This is the first new Nero Wolfe novel in nearly two years — an unusual interval for the productive Rex Stout, who celebrated his eightieth birthday in December 1966.

What could make Nero Wolfe so determined to solve a crime that he would be willing to work entirely without fee or client? What would it take to put him, for the first time, at a loss for words? What would make him so angry about a case that he would refuse to speak to the police, even if he has to spend fifty-one hours in jail as a result? Never before in the Nero Wolfe books has Rex Stout shown us the extremes to which the greatest detective in the world can be pushed, but never before has a bomb blown up in the old brownstone on West 35th Street, murdering someone right under Wolfe's nose. When in October 1974 Pierre Ducos, one of Wolfe's favorite waiters at Rusterman's, Wolfe's favorite restaurant, dies just down the hall from Archie's bedroom, Wolfe is understandably eager to find the perpetrator, but when that murder somehow becomes connected with tape recorders, Washington lawyers, and maybe even a conspiracy to obstruct justice, his fury becomes so intense that even Archie is puzzled. Not only is this a great chapter in the Nero Wolfe legend; A Family Affair is a splendid mystery novel that should capture many new fans and will delight (and amaze) the longstanding admirers of Wolfe and Archie.

So you think you know Nero Wolfe, do you. So you’re reasonably sure that only the most dire emergency will induce Nero to heave his home on West Thirty-fifth Street, and that no case since his early days could make him budge from Manhattan Island or miss a meal cooked by his own precious Fritz? Well, brace yourself! In this latest full-length Nero Wolfe adventure, Nero not only leaves house, cook, and orchid planes, but also flies nearly cross-continent to Montana to join Archie Goodwin on a lavish but very private dude ranch. Here he settles down to solve murder by rifle shot, resigned to the necessity of performing such unWolfean activities as tramping through underbrush, wading in an icy trout stream, eating canned soup, and attending a rowdy Saturday night hoedown in a cattle town. He also has to deal with a young unmarried mother, some uncooperative cowhands, a highly belligerent sheriff, an off-Broadway actress, and any number of chairs which don’t begin to fit his bulk. Yet, throughout, he remains the same inimitable Nero Wolfe. How does Rex Stout know enough about the Far West to write this novel? Every summer, for a large part of his life, he spent his time riding pack trains, fishing mile-high streams, and enjoying night after night around campfires, yarning with genuine cowpunchers. So there isn’t a misplaced piece of harness or an unauthentic Western Vista in this, one of the funniest, most engaging, and most out-of-doors of all Nero Wolfe adventures.

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