
Райс Крэйг скачать все книги 9 книг

Practically everybody will remember Bingo and Handsome, partners in the International Foto, Motion Picture and Television Corporation of America (or, to put it more bluntly, street photographers), whose earlier adventures were related in The Sunday Pigeon Murders and The Thursday Turkey Murders. Readers may have forgotten, however, that from these events our heroes assembled assets of $2,773 and some odd cents. This inspires them to try their fortune in Hollywood. (“After all,” Bingo said, “we’re photographers, aren’t we?”) Along with the bankroll they were blessed with Bingo’s complete faith in himself, Handsome’s photographic memory, and the innocence of city slickers. It seemed perfectly sensible to them, for example, to make a down payment of $2,000 on an empty Charles Addams type mansion because it had once belonged to April Robin, the great star of silent-screen days. Immediately thereafter, they paid a deposit against the rental for a small building on the Strip. These negotiations left them with no cash, but considerable prestige. They soon, inevitably, acquired a landlord who had supposedly been murdered four years earlier, a housekeeper who was murdered the night they moved in, a cop who would like to arrest them both just so that he can be doing something positive, and assorted characters who are willing to pay Bingo and Handsome (a) to find the body, and (b) not to find the body. All this inspires Bingo and Handsome into furious activities which are — well, not exactly efficient, but certainly fascinating. In trying to cope with their commitments they meet some remarkable people, the kind that supposedly are found in Hollywood but actually could have been conceived of only by Craig Rice. In other words, The April Robin Murders is funny, hilariously complicated, knowing, sentimental: that mixture of mirth and murder uniquely the product of one of the best-loved and best-selling mystery writers of our time.

A walk on the wild side! In this series of collections of gritty Noir and Hardboiled stories, you’ll find some of the best writers of the craft writing in their prime.

В сборник включены три детектива американских писателей: «Все застрелены» Ч. Хаймса — роман об убийствах, совершенных за одну ночь в преступном районе Нью-Йорка, «Крутая разборка» Д. Гамильтона — о разоблачении торговцев наркотиками и классический шпионский детектив «А доктор мертв» К. Райса.

На вилле одного из лос-анджелесских пригородов совершено убийство. Труп молодой женщины — хозяйки виллы — обнаруживают трое соседских детей. Движимые желанием помочь прославиться маме — автору детективных повестей, подростки активно включаются в расследование преступления… Так начинается остросюжетный, написанный изящно и с легким юмором роман Крейг Райс «Убийство по-домашнему». В сборник включены также психологический детектив Патрика Квентина «Моя память — убийца» и занимательный рассказ Мэри Барретт «Смерть вне очереди».

Коллекция детективных рассказов, опубликованных в газете «Совершенно СЕКРЕТНО» в 2014 году.

Герои книги — трое детей писательницы, автора популярных детективов — постоянно вмешиваются в дела взрослых. В доме по соседству произошло убийство, и непоседливая троица пытается самостоятельно его расследовать.

If you don't shudder with every twist and sudden thrust of these 16 terror tales…

if you are able to turn off your bedside lamp after closing this volume and drift off to a deep, dreamless sleep…

if you can drink your morning coffee without thinking there just might be a peculiarly bitter taste to it, or turn your back on your spouse or best friend without feeling a funny itching between your shoulder blades…

then that lovable old master of menace, Alfred Hitchcock, apologizes and personally guarantees you your full payment in horror. All you have to do is meet him in the cemetery under the next murderer's moon…

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