
Макдональд Джон Данн скачать все книги 8 книг

Жанр: Старинное

Адвокат Сэм Боуден, четырнадцать лет назад защищавший психопата Макса Кейди, обвинявшегося по делу об изнасиловании, утаил от суда доказательства, которые могли бы спасти Макса, и тот был осужден. Но вот срок его заключения истек, и Макс выходит на волю, движимый одним только маниакальным желанием — отомстить адвокату и его семье, превратив их жизнь в настоящий ад. По показаниям Сэма Боудена насильник Макс Кейди отправлен за решетку. Прошло четырнадцать лет: у Сэма счастливая семья, а у Макса долгие годы тюрьмы и расшатанная психика. Выйдя на свободу, Кейди решает отомстить Боудену и начинает с разрушения благополучия его семьи.

Somewhere at this moment Bonny Lee and Kirby are driving someone mad, and enjoying every moment of it. If you have ever had a yeasty yearning for complete freedom and complete immunity, you will covet something those two have. This book will tell you what to look for, and how to use it if you can steal it. Best of luck. In this book, John D. MacDonald turns from suspense to A story of fanta... This book is about a mysteri... This is a novel of wild adventu... If Thorne Smith and Mickey Spillane had collaborated on... Sheesh! It’s a story — by one of America’s great storytellers. Read it.

There was the heat of money. There w as the heat of wanting. There was the heat of the Bahamas and Golden Coast of Florida after the season had ended. Texas money had gone to the Bahamas by pleasure boat for a dirty purpose. Enough unrecorded cash to change a dozen lives, or end them, and the scent of it was carried on the hot tropic winds. This is a novel about the half- people, the twisted ones who caught that scent and devised a merciless plan, and it is about the whole people, the compassionate ones who find themselves in the way of the brutal mechanisms of greed and are either destroyed by it, or become stronger than before. Here are the boat people, the land-grabbers, the displaced Cubans, the swingers, the fun people, the con artists, the shrewd, the silly, the romantic, the idealistic, all of them caught up into an inevitable pattern of violence, suspicion, fear and despair that reaches from Nassau to Brownsville, Texas, from Havana to Dinner Key, from Miami to the empty silence of the Great Bahama Bank. It all hinged on the survival of the broken girl, adrift and unconscious in a tiny boat on the giant blue river of the Gulf Stream. Many will read this novel as a very solid and persuasive story of suspense and adventure. But it has in addition, that distinctive power and style, that hidden resonance and purpose which the legions of MacDonald readers have come to except from him. To his new readers we can only say: this is a Book. It will stay with you a long, long time.

Жанр: Проза

In A Flash of Green John D. MacDonald brings his storytelling magic to a larger and more ambitious theme than any he has yet considered. The question is this: Can a town resist the pressures of irresponsible get-rich-quick operators, or arc “progress” and crowding and ugliness inevitable? The answers strike deep into one particular community’s roots and arouse some strong emotions — from acrimonious town meetings to blackmail, assault, and even attempted murder. The scene is a beautiful and unspoiled Florida Gulf Coast town, with beaches, fishing, and wild life close at band. But some real-estate promoters descend with a plan to fill in part of the bay and throw up hundreds of jerry-built houses. It means the ultimate destruction of every natural beauty that has meant so much to the townspeople. The proposal is presented so enticingly, with so many financial opportunities for everyone, that the majority is won over. But they have a stiff battle on their hands from the opposition: the conservationists and the few farsighted people who can see the suburban slums of the future in the making. As the tension mounts, friends become enemies and lovers fall out of love. In an explosive climax one man dares to resist the malevolent local politician who is the power behind the scenes. John D. MacDonald has written a fast-paced exciting story that has something important to say to every American who cares about the community he lives in.

Tush Bannon was in the way. It wasn’t anything he knew or anything he had done. He was just there, in the wrong spot at the wrong time, and the fact that he was a nice guy with a nice wife and three nice kids didn’t mean one scream in hell to the jackals who had ganged together to pull him down. And they got him, crushed him to hamburger, and walked away counting their change. But one thing they never could have figured... Tush Bannon was Travis McGee’s friend.

В сборнике, открывающем серию «Черная перчатка», представлены короткие новеллы разнообразных популярных жанров: детектива, мистери, ужасов, фантастики, — написанные по большей части в легком, шутливо-ироническом ключе. Многие из них вошли в антологии, составленные классиком развлекательного кинематографа Альфредом Хичкоком.

Жанр: Старинное

Содержание: 1. Смерть в пурпуровом краю, 2. Шустрая рыжая лисица, 3. Смертельный блеск золота

В какие только ситуации не попадает Трэвис Макги, герой трех ромэнов американского писателя Джона Данна Макдональда, вошедших в предлагаемую читателю книгу «Расставание в голубом».

Вот его заталкивают в машину. Выйдет ли он из нее живым? Вот он бросается спасать девушку, скинутую в реку бандитами. Трэвис Макги — любимец женщин, обаятельный, смелый, благородный. Без единого выстрела удается ему уходить от смертельной опасности.

Возмездие за зло и торжество справедливости — девиз его жизни.

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