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Хорошенькое дело, когда в логово к гоблинам заявляется здоровенный огр и просит защитить свой народ от таинственных существ, явившихся ниоткуда и посягнувших на жизнь и свободу огров и всего подземного мира. Естественно, к кому, как не к Джигу, обращена эта полупросьба-полуугроза. И, главное, ведь ничего не поделаешь: раз назвался Драконоубийцей, хочешь не хочешь, а иди, оправдывай свое дурацкое прозвище. А тут еще Джигу в спутники дают таких «незаменимых» помощников, как недоделанный неумеха Браф, который, даже ковыряясь в носу, умудряется сломать палец, и старая карга Грелл, едва хромающая на своих костылях. Дело же оказывается нешуточным и угроза вполне реальной.

В подземном мире, где живут гоблины. Джигу катастрофически не везет. Даже когда гоблинский капитан Порак послал его в рейд против незваных гостей с поверхности, невезучий Джиг умудрился сразу же угодить в лапы искателей подземных сокровищ. И теперь в компании с принцем Бариусом, его полубезумным волшебником-братом, девушкой-эльфийкой, большой специалисткой по части взламывания замков, и гномом, охраняющим особу королевский кровей, он вынужден заниматься поисками Жезла Творения, волшебной палочки, с помощью которой когда-то был создан подземный мир.

Isaac Vainio’s life was almost perfect. He should have known it couldn’t last.

Living and working as a part-time librarian in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Isaac had finally earned the magical research position he dreamed of with Die Zwelf Portenære, better known as the Porters. He was seeing a smart, fun, gorgeous dryad named Lena Greenwood. He had been cleared by Johannes Gutenberg to do libriomancy once again, to reach into books and create whatever he chose from their pages. Best of all, it had been more than two months since anything tried to kill him.

And then Isaac, Lena, and Porter psychiatrist Nidhi Shah are called to the small mining town of Tamarack, Michigan, where a pair of septuagenarian werewolves have discovered the brutally murdered body of a wendigo.

What begins as a simple monster-slaying leads to deeper mysteries and the discovery of an organization thought to have been wiped out more than five centuries ago by Gutenberg himself. Their magic rips through Isaac’s with ease, and their next target is Lena Greenwood.

They know Lena’s history, her strengths and her weaknesses. Born decades ago from the pages of a pulp fantasy novel, she was created to be the ultimate fantasy woman, shaped by the needs and desires of her companions. Her powers are unique, and Gutenberg’s enemies mean to use her to destroy everything he and the Porters have built. But their plan could unleash a far darker power, an army of entropy and chaos, bent on devouring all it touches.

The Upper Peninsula is about to become ground zero in a magical war like nothing the world has seen in more than five hundred years. But the more Isaac learns about Gutenberg and the Porters, the more he questions whether he’s fighting for the right cause.

One way or another, Isaac must find a way to stop a power he doesn’t fully understand. And even if he succeeds, the outcome will forever change him, the Porters, and the whole world.

An anthology of stories Martin H Greenberg and Brittany A Koren

Assassins-are they born or made? Do they choose this role out of necessity, because they are forced to, or because they enjoy killling? And what do they do in their spare time?

These are just a few of the questions answered in this all-original collection of twelve tales by fantasy's finest-focusing on killers of all kinds. From Vree, Tanya Huff's well-known assassin from her Quarters novels, to a woman whose father's vengeful spirit forced her down dark magic's bloody path, to an assassin seeking to escape his Master's death spell, here are spellbinding stories of murder and mayhem, and the shadowy figures who sell death for a living.

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