
Кастл Джейн скачать все книги 11 книг

Вирджиния Бёрч, парапсихолог–археолог, не может поверить своей удаче, повстречав Сэма Гейджа, охотника за призраками и владельца роскошной недвижимости в Старом Квартале Каденса, расположенной над Мёртвым Городом. Он предлагает ей поселиться в его доме и начать свой бизнес. А затем следует ещё более интригующее предложение - стать его женой. Разумеется, исключительно из профессиональных соображений…

Результатом их брака по расчёту станет очень прибыльное деловое партнёрство – «Гейдж и Бёрч Консалтинг». До тех пор, пока в дело не вмешается явная чувственная энергия, существующая между ними… и любовь, столь сильная, что способна разбудить призраков Мёртвого Города…

Ее называли Алой Леди. И только Цинния Спринг могла возвыситься над этим шокирующим прозвищем, начав одеваться исключительно в красное. С того момента, как лживый скандал в желтой прессе разрушил ее репутацию и бизнес по дизайну интерьеров, эта упорная леди начала зарабатывать на жизнь, используя свои психические способности, которые высоко ценились, но при этом отдаляли ее от других жителей колонии на Сент-Хеленс. Но когда ее нанимает владелец казино, Ник Частин, эта встреча умов и сердец возносит Циннию к небесам.

Ник Частин страстно желает добиться респектабельности, которой никогда не имел. Он обращается к Циннии, так как ему нужен ее дар, чтобы найти журнал отца и раскопать тайны своего загадочного прошлого. Но Циннии не нужно быть ясновидящей, чтобы понять, чего еще хочет Ник. Ведь вдвоем они образуют взрывную комбинацию, которая может всколыхнуть Сент-Хеленс и принести интриги, опасность и страсть, которые никто не ожидает. Но когда безжалостный убийца вмешивается в их поиски, Цинии приходится рискнуть всем, что у нее есть, в том числе и любовной связью, в игре, где победитель получает все.

(Вторая часть трилогии о жизни на планете Сент-Хеленс)

Прошло двести лет после закрытия энергетического Занавеса, позволявшего путешествовать между планетами, и прекращения связи с Землей, а мир Хармони процветает. Благодаря богатому запасу янтаря, который не только дает энергию электрическим приборам для повседневных нужд, но также наделяет колонистов сверхъестественными способностями. Хармоняне создали стабильное и прогрессивное общество. Однако когда равновесие под угрозой, лишь устранение давней семейной вражды и недавней ссоры влюбленных может спасти планету.

Три месяца назад Лира Дор пережила враждебный захват и осталась с разбитым сердцем. И всему виной один и тот же человек, потомок непримиримого конкурента ее предков. Завоевав сердце Лиры, Круз Суитуотер добрался до ее проекта — аметистовых руин, — затем взял управление предприятиям на себя и исчез. Когда Круз возвращается и просит о личной встрече, Лира убеждена, что он будет ползать на коленях и молить о прощении, но опять ошибается: Крузу всего лишь нужна ее помощь с тем самым украденным проектом.

In the world of Harmony, Rainshadow Island is home to a mysterious preserve, secrets that have been kept for centuries, and a treasure worth killing for...

As a light-talent, Alice North has the rare ability to make things disappear, including herself—a gift that comes in handy during her magic act with her dust bunny Houdini.

Business mogul Drake Sebastian is day-blind, since his sight was nearly destroyed in a lab accident. But he’s the one man who can see Alice when she disappears—and he needs her.

On Rainshadow Island, two dangerous Old World crystals are missing, igniting a paranormal storm. Drake thinks Alice is the key to finding them, and proposes they head there, but only after a Marriage of Convenience.

Alice’s honeymoon on Rainshadow is guaranteed to be memorable, as the island—and the passion between her and Drake—is about to explode...

Two hundred years after the closing of the energy Curtain that allowed interplanetary travel—cutting off all contact to Earth—the planet Harmony is thriving. Thanks to an abundant supply of amber, which powers not only electrical machines for everyday use but also psychic abilities in the colonists, Harmony has created a stable, progressive community. But when that stability is threatened, resolving an ancient family feud and a fresh lover's quarrel might be the planet's only hope.

Three months ago, Lyra Dore suffered a heartbreak and a hostile takeover—both at the hands of the same man. A descendant of her ancestors' fierce rival. Cruz Sweetwater charmed his way into Lyra's heart and gained access to her pet project, an amethyst ruin. Then he took over the project and took off. When Cruz walks back into her life and requests a private meeting, Lyra convinces herself he's there to crawl and beg forgiveness. Wrong again—he just needs her help. With the project he stole from her.

Five innocent men are trapped inside a chamber in the amethyst ruin, and Lyra is the only one who can reopen the door. Reluctantly she agrees to help. Then Cruz wants her to apply her talents to the rest of the ruin—because no one else can work it. Lyra and Cruz are both harboring psychic secrets. Unknown—and dangerous—powers pulse within the amethyst ruin, and the closer Lyra gets to them, the more at risk she becomes. And now she must decide whether to trust her guts or her heart…

Life is complicated for Lydia Smith. She's working at that tacky, third-rate museum, Shrimpton's House of Ancient Horrors, trying to salvage her career in para-archaeology—and dating the most dangerous man in town. Just when she thinks she might be getting things under control, she stumbles over a dead body and discovers that her lover has a secret past that could get him killed.

Just to top things off, trouble is brewing underground in the eerie, glowing green passageways of the Dead City and that dynamic dust-bunny, Fuzz, has a couple of surprises up his tatty, furry sleeve.

Of course, all of those problems pale in comparison to the most pressing issue: Lydia has been invited to the Restoration Ball and she hasn't got a thing to wear.

Just below the City of Cadence lie the remains of the Dead City of Old Cadence—resonating with the psychic and para energy of its dead souls. Wile exploring the darkest depths of the city, two business partners discover passions within each other that are very much alive…

Virginia Burch, a psychic archaeologist, can’t believe her luck when she meets Sam Gage, a ghost-hunter and owner of prime real estate in the Old Quarter of Cadence, above the Dead City. He offers her his space to live and start up her business. What follows is an even more intriguing proposal—to become his wife. Strictly for professional reasons, of course…

Their marriage of convenience would lead to a very lucrative business partnership, Gage & Burch Consulting. Until something throws a wrench into the plan: the undeniably sensual energy that exists between them—and love so storng it could wake the ghosts below…

Everything is different underground. Just ask the residents of Harmony, a futuristic world where alien catacombs can lead you astray—and where psychic senses spark out-of-this-world passion…

Reporter Sierra McIntyre's stories on Crystal City's ghost hunters—and their mysterious guild—have earned her tabloid a bit of respect. And they've allowed her to clothe her dust bunny companion Elvis in rock-and-roll style. It helps that she has mega-rez intuition to fall back on…

Especially when she interviews Ghost Hunter Guild Boss John Fontana about the disappearances of retired, homeless hunters. She doesn't want to trust the physically and psychically powerful man, but her senses—and Elvis—give her the green light. To uncover the conspiracy within his own organization, Fontana proposes…marriage. And though it's purely a business arrangement, there is nothing pure about the attraction that sizzles between them…

Where deadly energy ghosts lurk in the ruins of an ancient alien civilization. Where dust bunnies prove to be loyal pets. And where a ghost hunter will discover that a woman's heart is the most dangerous adversary of all…

Local Guild boss and powerful ghost-hunter Cooper Boone is everything botanist Elly St. Clair could ask for — the handsome, strong, and silent type. Maybe too silent. For when Guild secrets threaten her career at the college, Elly has to call off their marriage — and leave small-town life behind…

But starting over in the thriving metropolis of Cadence City isn't easy, especially when one of Elly's new friends disappears in the eerie catacombs beneath the streets. Cooper turns up just in time to help Elly investigate. And as the mystery deepens and dangerous ghost myths and legends come to light, Cooper makes it clear he intends to stick around — and this time he's holding nothing back…

Professional matchmaker Celinda Ingram is a psychically gifted woman with a problem. She is in desperate need of a bodyguard who can double as a date for her sister's wedding. Davis Oakes, a member of the mysterious Ghost Hunter's Guild, is a security expert with a most unusual paranormal talent. But Davis doesn't trust matchmakers and Celinda doesn't trust anyone connected to the Guild. Sparks fly immediately. Danger is closing in fast, however, and this pair has no choice but to work together to survive.

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