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As the world moves into the next millennium, the United States finds itself at the forefront of this new age, policing not only its own shores but the rest of the world as well. And spearheading this overwatch are the men and women of America's armed forces, the "troops on the wall," who will go anywhere, anytime, and do whatever it takes to protect not only our nation but the rest of the free world.

Now, for the first time, brings the best military-fiction authors together to reveal how war will be fought in the twenty-first century. From the down and dirty "ground-pounders" of the U.S. Armored Cavalry to the new frontiers of warfare, including outer space and the Internet, ten authors whose novels define the military-fiction genre have written all-new short stories about the men and women willing to put their lives on the line for freedom:

Larry Bond takes us into the wild frontier of space warfare, where American soldiers fight a dangerous zero-gee battle with a tenacious enemy that threatens every free nation on Earth.

Dale Brown lets us inside a world that few people see, that of a military promotion board, and shows us how the fate of an EB-52 Megafortress pilot's career can depend on a man he's never met, even as the pilot takes on the newest threat to American forces in the Persian Gulf-a Russian stealth bomber.

James Cobb finds a lone U.S. Armored Cavalry scout unit that is the only military force standing between a defenseless African nation and an aggressive Algerian recon division.

Stephen Coonts tells of the unlikely partnership between an ex-Marine sniper and a female military pilot who team up to kill the terrorists who murdered her parents. But, out in the Libyan desert, all is not as it seems, and these two must use their skills just to stay alive.

Harold W. Coyle reports in from the front lines of the information war, where cyberpunks are recruited by the U.S. Army to combat the growing swarm of hackers and their shadowy masters who orchestrate their brand of online terrorism around the world.

David Hagberg brings us another Kirk McGarvey adventure, in which the C.I.A. director becomes entangled in the rising tensions between China and Taiwan. When a revolutionary leader is rescued from a Chinese prison, the Chinese government pushes the United States to the brink of war, and McGarvey has to make a choice with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.

Dean Ing reveals a scenario that could have been torn right from today's headlines. In Oakland, a private investigator teams up with a bounty hunter and F.B.I. agent to find a missing marine engineer. What they uncover is the shadow of terrorism looming over America and a conspiracy that threatens thousands of innocent lives.

Ralph Peters takes us to the war-torn Balkan states, where a U.S. Army observer sent to keep an eye on the civil war is taken on a guided tour of the country at gunpoint. Captured by the very people he is there to monitor, he learns just how far people will go for their idea of freedom.

R.J. Pineiro takes us to the far reaches of space, where a lone terrorist holds the world hostage from a nuclear missle-equipped platform. To stop him, a pilot agrees to a suicidal flight into the path of an orbital laser with enough power to incinerate her space shuttle.

Barrett Tillman takes us to the skies with a group of retired fighter jocks brought back for one last mission-battling enemy jets over the skies of sunny California.

На отдалечен остров в арктическата част на Канада изследователи откриват останките на мистериозен самолет от епохата на студената война. Откритието принуждава руското правителство да направи шокиращо признание. Намереният самолет е съветски стратегически бомбардировач, който изчезва заедно с екипажа преди повече от петдесет години с два тона антракс на борда.

Твърдо решен да предотврати политическа и дипломатическа буря, американският президент изпраща при мястото на катастрофата екип на Първи секретен отдел, воден от подполковник Джон Смит. Но други са стигнали първи до мразовития остров, в това число и опасен контрабандист на оръжие със своите безмилостни наемници.

В капана на полярната пустош Смит и неговият екип трябва да водят жестока война на два фронта — срещу враг, когото виждат, и срещу друг враг, който се крие в собствените им редици

15 all-new stories of tomorrow from 15 of the best sci-fi writers of todayFrom Booklist

The challenge and lure of space exploration has long been fertile ground for some of the finest science fiction stories. Here, fifteen of the best chroniclers of the day after tomorrow present unique tales of space stations both in our own solar system and far beyond.

A volume of visions of future wars, fought with weapons out of nightmare, by today’s top writers of military science fiction, as well as some writers who are not usually associated with military SF, such as best-selling writer Gregory Benford, and award-winning author Kristine Katherine Rusch. Also present are Michael Z. Williamson, author of the strong selling novels “Freehold” and “The Weapon”, award-winning author of “Bolo Strike”, William H. Keith, and more.

Through the centuries, weapons have changed radically, but the soldier has remained much the same. But in the future, soldiers, too, may undergo radical changes. As editor Joe Haldeman puts it, “Weapons are an extension of the soldier, and also an extension of the culture or species that produced the soldier. And they are sometimes more dangerous to the soldier than the enemy…”

На крохотном островке, затерянном в Арктике, обнаружен советский бомбардировщик, упавший там сорок лет назад. На борту самолета может находиться биологическое оружие – споры сибирской язвы. Чтобы выяснить это наверняка, американское правительство посылает на остров группу Джона Смита – разведчика и специалиста по инфекционным заболеваниям, за спиной которого предотвращение множества глобальных катастроф, таких, как «Заговор Кассандры».

На этот раз Смиту и его друзьям предстоит столкнуться с безжалостным русским спецназом и не менее опасной бандой международных торговцев оружием, которые стремятся захватить смертоносный груз.

Но самую страшную тайну им еще только предстоит раскрыть…

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