
Фрэнсис Дик скачать все книги 9 книг

В автобиографической повести Дик Фрэнсис рассказывает о своей жизни, наполненной приключениями, – это произведение столь же увлекательно и динамично, как и детективы мэтра.

В результате финансовых махинаций на грани краха оказывается пивоваренный завод сэра Айвэна Вестеринга. И в тот же день неизвестные жестоко избивают его пасынка, художника Александра Кинлоха. Что это – несчастливое совпадение или кто-то кровно заинтересован в том, чтобы заранее вывести умного и энергичного противника из игры, не дать ему ухватиться за рукоять расследования и разрушить планы аферистов?

Не все в порядке в королевстве скачек. Прямо на ипподроме застрелился классный жокей Арт Мэтьюз. Его молодой коллега затевает самостоятельное расследование...

Один из самых динамичных романов знаменитого автора детективов.

Сотрудник контрразведки с риском для жизни раскрывает зловещие преступления и махинации, связанные с похищением породистых лошадей.

Обещавший Чарльзу Тодду развлечения уик-энд оборачивается страшным разочарованием: дом его кузена Дональда Стюарта, куда был приглашен Тодд, – разграблен, молодая жена хозяина убита, а сам Чарльз становится главным подозреваемым в этом преступлении. Некоторые обстоятельства наталкивают Чарльза на мысль, что ограбление связано с недавней поездкой кузена в Австралию и приобретением там картины знаменитого Маннингса. Тодд отправляется на Мельбурнский Кубок, уверенный, что там, где собирается «вся Австралия», он обязательно найдет преступника.

A bomb scare at Aintree halted the Grand National in 1997 and the racecourse was evacuated; twenty-two years earlier, Dick Francis had written a short story describing such an event at another course. Now, for the first time, Dick Francis has compiled a volume of short stories, the settings ranging from the National Hunt Festival at Cheltenham, where a middle-aged owner falls hopelessly in love with her jockey, to the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs, where the demon drink and wilting willpower take their toll. There are diverse as bookmakers and news editors, from crooked lawyers and contract killers. With his remarkable blend of unrelenting suspense, finely tuned narrative and lean, stylish prose, Dick Francis’s thrillers have led readers to the winner’s enclosure year after year. From his very first novel to his most recent, the award-winning Master of Crime has treated his fans to a world of equine thrills and human frailty in a string of bestsellers of unparalleled excellence. Dick Francis’s fans have a great treat in store — thirteen marvellous plots, thirteen sets of characters to admire, and thirteen stings in the tail to gasp over. Dick Francis is as much master of the short story as he is of the novel.

When Kit Fielding, champion steeplechase jockey, finds that Princess Casilia, his chief patron, is facing serious trouble, he goes unhesitatingly to her aid. Neither realises that his instinctive support is the first step to a frightening battle involving violent risk, with the honour of the princess’s family as the prize and Kit’s own destruction as the forfeit. Beset by other problems, not least his troubled romance with Danielle, the princess’s niece, Kit knows that while steering through deadly outside dangers and riding at breakneck speed in races, he must also contend with the long-term hatred of his own family’s enemy. Many of the characters from Break In, Dick Francis’s previous bestseller, reappear in Bolt, but the story ends here — and it’s a story which will keep every reader on the very edge of his seat until the last page is turned.

Blood ties can mean trouble, chains and fatal obligation. Champion steeplechase jockey Kit Fielding, snared by bonds reaching back into history, discovers this to be only too true when he finds he cannot escape from an intensely dangerous situation. Direct, forceful and inventive, he goes to the defence of his twin sister whose husband faces ruin when a spiteful newspaper campaign sets out to wreck his career as a racehorse trainer. Kit’s courage succeeds beyond the point of drawing the fire upon himself so that he in turn becomes a target. Break In is about family relationships, about love, hatred and obsession; it is about the use and abuse of power by the gutter press, who will go to any lengths to get the information they seek and then use that information in any way they choose; and throughout it is about the day-to-day life of a top-flight horseman, for whom race-riding is the most demanding, the most rewarding love of all. Break In is vintage Francis, with pulsating descriptions of the races themselves at which he himself was champion A first-class thriller written by the acknowledged master of his field.

Free choice? There’s no such thing, according to Lee Morris, architect, engineer, jobbing builder and entrepreneur. Choice is pre-ordained by your personality, he says. Stratton Park racecourse, privately owned, faces ruin in the hands of a squabbling family. Lee, loosely connected but not related, is slowly sucked into the turmoil, unwillingly on the surface but half-understanding the deep compulsions that influence his decisions. One road leads to safety, another to death. How do you know when you must choose? How do you know which is which? Lee’s choices and their consequences bring deadly results, but the road out of the quicksand is there, if he can find it. Horses and racing, familiar Dick Francis ingredients, but this time there are also children, houses, roots and decisions. Danger? Naturally. Stratton Park racecourse is worth multi-millions, and all the splinter-groups of the Stratton family are playing to win. Decider is an inspired concoction of wonderfully conceived characters and a totally unpredictable plot that can only mean one thing — you are in the hands of the master.

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